New Info and a "New You"
I spent part of the evening over on the Etsy forums, searching topics on older threads. There’s a world of information there for new sellers — very cool! I was geekily excited to learn about “repositionable” glue dots, which may help solve my dilemma about how to package magnets so they don't immediately demonstrate magnetic attraction, flip over, and stick to each other. I was also really pleased to find a source for biodegradable clear cello bags (a happy alternative to polypropylene), which I may start using to package the magnets instead of just upcycling random packaging material from home. Lots and lots of terrific info from experienced sellers: what a wonderful community!
I have some new items in the shop. Little Cocoa Pops (right), are a nice chocolate brown and a bit more understated than my other bubbles. I’m also excited about a new series, “New You” (above) which I like since they’re motivational and positive.1% of the sales price for these items (and all my Etsy sales) donated quarterly to earth-friendly nonprofits.
These are so attractive that it might be an idea to have a way to display them as art....I'm thinking like a metal sheet that's framed maybe? 'Love seeing your new ideas, I like the one word ones and coocoo puffs too! Bio-degradable bags...I'll have to look into that.
Thanks for the idea, VP! The photos show up better on Blogger than on Etsy (sigh), so I'm always looking for new display ideas. BTW, thank you also for the Blogroll model -- your blog was my inspiration to add something similar in the right sidebar. I love the way I can keep up with everyone's updates :-)
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